Text and Photos can also be a part of each day's notations. The ability to use your iCam for Video, or to import Video from other sources too, is something that puts a little polish on the APPLE (no pun intended). If you want a VIDEO Diary for personal use, or a Video Recording method for a Project Journal(s), this application is something you should take a look at. Response time is ALWAYS same day, no matter how trivial the question and/or suggestion. This developer 'responds' to questions, and actively seeks user input (suggestions) for design imporvements. Oh yeah, there's also the matter of the excellent of Support by the developer.
It's hard to get confussed or make a mistake. (2) TVD is very easy to understand and use, because the interface is logically arranged and intuitively structured. (1) The Video/Audio works VERY well, with GOOD playback quality. Here are 2 really big reasons for my decision.
I messed around with several of the current offerings of Diary software in the market place which allowed for Video/Audio journal entries, before settling on TheVideoDiary.